Talking shop: the business of property management
Property management has many meanings. Indeed, managing property covers a wide array of areas and entails doing a great variety of tasks. Though providing a complete list is next to impossible, the main features of property management include carrying out administrative duties, accounting tasks, building maintenance duties, unit rentals, property sales, and the list goes on. These tasks can further be divided across various real estate segments - residential, commercial, industrial, office space - resulting in a great variety of combinations that have the potential to unsettle clients in all types of situations: sellers, tenants, students in search of housing, buyers/investors, condo association boards, or owners of rental accommodation.
Who to call upon to solve this myriad of tasks? How to find the right contact person? Complex projects often require the input of several professionals so where do I even start?
Having once faced these same issues ourselves, we wished to take matters one step further and help our clients answer such questions as:
Do I need to start from scratch every time I have a new real estate project? When buying a condo unit, why can’t my broker obtain the relevant information from the property manager? Who’s the best person to reach out to if I wish to purchase the condo I’m currently renting?
Our solution to all these questions is straightforward: to provide you with access to a single property management point-of-contact with the collective expertise to resolve all your real estate needs. Our qualified professionals, each with a specific skill-set, can assist you in just about every situation.
Trusted partners are also required outside the scope of property management. Obtaining proper insurance coverage for your condo, house, plex or larger rental building for instance. We help identify the right solutions.
Finally, regardless of the type of professional you turn to - condo manager, rental manager, rental agent, real estate broker, commercial property agent -, dependable experts can be recommended to solve specific technical issues (engineers, architects, building technicians).